Saturday, 2 October 2010

Life is Spectacular!!!

What can I say? Life is spectacular...

In so many ways, I don't even know where to start from...
To be honest, the thing that inspired me for this letter, dear Gilly, was the great amount of invitations and opportunities you get when you are a model! It simply fascinates me and I find it almost shocking.

Let me illustrate my point, for those who don't know what I mean, really. Let's take tonight for an example (but don't feel fooled, it's the same every night, not only on Saturday..!). I have soooo many invitations to go out, by numerous promoters and friends that I know well, as well as such that I've only just met yesterday/last week. Don't get me started on the invitations that I receive from guys that want to be more than friends, or that think they already are more than friends (mostly for justified reasons... hahaha .. upsss), but in fact will never be. What can I say? It's often hard to choose, and when you choose, you often offend many of the rest. Sometimes it happens that you regret your choice, but most often you don't, because who you go out with is determined by the amount of fun you have with them... For me that's the most important factor.. how you feel in the company! If you feel that the people are boring, or they don't pay attention to you, they don't respect you, they don't make an effort to introduce you to everybody or to take care of you throughout the night, I usually decide that these people will be for emergency only!! hahaha.. What I mean is, I will go out with people like that again only if there is nobody to go out with, and I reeeeally want to! Or if they are going to a super special place. So.. Yes, most often I choose by the company, but the second factor in the decision making is the event/restaurant/type-of-food/club/bar that they are going to. It's very important indeed. But basically there isn't such a big diversity, especially in Milan (where I am currently), mostly because the "cool" places are not thaaaat many, but also because my social circle, and any model's social circle (in most cases), is pretty much the same, so they all go to the same places, and usually they all know each other. Thus, it's not rare that I see 1 or 2 of the other companies that were also inviting me to come with them, either in the first or the second club (yes, we do go to several clubs per night), and sometimes even in the restaurant! You are probably wondering - are models THAT rich?!?!?!! Well... let me tell you! We don't pay for one f***in' thing! Oh, well, I am lying... occasionally we pay for a taxi here and there... but most often they drive us home ;-) What were you thinking?? That they will leave the beautiful models to go back home? Nooo.....

All this might seem incredible and absolutely jealousy-worthy (don't know if that's even an expression, but who cares), but sometimes all I want is to have real friends, real company that I can call at any time and confess a problem, if I have one, or whatever! You know? Sometimes the more invitations you get, the more lonely you feel in the city you're at. But that's the reality of the modeling life... you either take it or leave it.. So, since I'm deeply in it, I might as well be grateful for my truest and best friend - you, my dearest Gilly - plus, take advantage of all the opportunities as much as possible! I love you unmeasurably much and thank the Universe that it brought you to me, so that whichever invitation we choose for the night, we always have fun, because we are together! I wish that to every person, model or not!

P.S. Right now you're is not in Milan with me, but this doesn't mean I'm not excited for tonight, or that I'm not going to have fun... hahaha... maybe the reason for that is partially in the glass of red wine sitting next to my computer... :-)

Thank you, dear Gilly, for being you and for being my best friend!

With Love,

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